
Denis George

A Cruel Dream

Head snap.
Dream crack.
I woke to the sound of spoken words.
Something haunts me.
A lingering ghost.
A memory.
Subdued and suppressed.
I feel a presence beside me.
For a short moment, happiness.
Even whilst asleep I knew it, too untrue.
“You’re not here are you?”
How cruel?…


Painting Timelapse

Critical Perspectives: Mediated Culture

Select 2 images that could be the focus of your essay. We encourage students to think about the ideas presented in the lectures and to utilise them when thinking about what visual material could be the focus of the essays. So in short – select some images or objects that you think would allow you to explore the ideas that have interested you throughout the reading groups and lecture series and post the images onto your blog.

Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: Mediated Culture”

Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture “Stuart Hall” (Dr Jenny Rintoul)

Find an example of visual material that contains both text and image. Write a paragraph describing it and it’s wider connotations. Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture “Stuart Hall” (Dr Jenny Rintoul)”

Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture ‘Edward Said’ (Dr Clare Johnson)

In what ways have images or objects been used to exaggerate differences between ‘us’ and ‘them’, ‘native’ and ‘foreign’? Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture ‘Edward Said’ (Dr Clare Johnson)”

Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture ‘Jean Baudrillard’ (Alex Franklin)

Select an image from the mass media and discuss its relationship to the hyper-real. Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: Critical Thinkers Lecture ‘Jean Baudrillard’ (Alex Franklin)”

Critical Perspectives: Participatory Culture (Jenny Rintoul)

200 words on what I would describe as the key features within the current phase of participatory culture. Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: Participatory Culture (Jenny Rintoul)”

Critical Perspectives: What is Visual Culture?

 Over the past 50 years, has there been a social and cultural shift away from the verbal/textual and towards the visual? If so, has this shift accelerated during the past 10 to 20 years?

Continue reading “Critical Perspectives: What is Visual Culture?”

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